Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/energena/domains/ Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/energena/domains/ Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/energena/domains/ Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated in /home/energena/domains/ News









  • 10/16/15
    Photons and Plant Physiology
  • 3/16/16
    Light emitting diodes for higher nutritional quality of brassicaceae microgreens



  • HORTILED for science
    We are working in the field of photophysiology more than 10 years. We are convinced that success of a research project is determined not only by an excellent idea, but also by suitable, efficient lighting equipment, which enables fulfillment of the idea.
    Akvilė Viršilė Chief Researcher, LRCAF Institute of Horticulture, Laboratory of plant physiology
  • HORTILED for microgreens
    Microgreens raised under LEDs are lusher, greener, thus I recommend other to test LEDs. We must go hand in hand with technologies. Nowadays, one day you are the first between competitors, but other day you might be the last one.
    Raimondas Grajauskas Grower
  • HORTILED for vegetable transplants in greenhouse
    Transplants, raised under LEDs are firmer, does not elongate excessively, their leaves are darker, flowering starts earlier. I recommend LED.
    Genadijus Šiktorovas Head of "Rigesa" LLC
  • HORTILED for lilies
    HORTILED lighting is beneficial for photoperiodic lighting of ornamental plants.
    Dr. Antra Balode Latvia University of Agriculture

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array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/energena/domains/ in LED lights?

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