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New trends in plant lighting

 This summer Hortiled was seeking for knowledge and experience attending the main science and business events in horticultural lighting. We have visited and presented the concept of HLRD series lamp for research in 8-th international symposium LightSym2016: Light in Horticulture, in East Lansing, USA. 245 participants from 26 countries, representing science, technology and growers attended this event. The main ideas from LightSym2016 were also reflected in technological lighting novelties, presented in GreenTech2016 exhibition in Amsterdam, June 14-16 th.

The technologies turns back to the natural plant needs! The first attempts to introduce LED lighting in horticulture were based on the theory that by applying specific LED light colors we can excite specific light sensitive receptors in plants and thus stimulate their growth and development and even change leaf coloration or taste properties. Today it is proposed, that plant considers the whole visible light spectrum, and different wavelengths are necessary for normal plant functions. Not long ago, the physics principle, that plants are green, because they reflect green light was applicable. Now it is stated, that small flux of green light is beneficial, because this light spectrum penetrates to the canopy better, than other light wavelengths and here is utilized for photosynthesis efficiently. The benefit of UV irradiation also estimated: small flux of near UV-A light is valuable for plant immunity, improved leaf coloration with anthocyanins, and aromatic properties of spice herbs.

These ideas raised developing lighting technologies for closed environment cultivation – novel vertical farming and plant factory concepts. In greenhouse, where small flux of natural light spectrum reaches plants, the gaps in artificial lighting are disguised, thus the most economical red and blue LED lighting dominates. However, closed environment, where artificial lighting is the only source of energy and information for plants, challenged researches and engineers. Here, the important role is dedicated for white LEDs and their wide and human vision-friendly spectrum is supplemented with other light colors, beneficial for plants.

We are glad, that Hortiled moves one step towards the future, offering you wide spectrum specialized LED lighting units. We look to the light by plant eyes.  


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