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N.Augustinovičius about HORTILED for cucumber and tomato transplants

Mr. Nikolajus used HORTILED HLFC series lighting for tomato and cucumber transplants illumination in closed chamber. These transplants later were transferred to the greenhouse.

“This spring, there was no sun for about 10 days and HORTILED replaced it. Thanks to this lighting, we were the first ones, who offered transplants for our customers” Mr. Nikolajus was happy about it.

The grower noticed, that plants, transferred to the greenhouse, experienced no stress, the leaves didn’t burn – they successfully grew in the greenhouse. It was the first season, when Mr. Nikolajus used LED lighting, and plans to use it the next year.

The grower was convinced, that HORTILED lighting is economical and pointed these benefits for the plants:

  • Transplants grew without natural lighting; 
  • The leaves were darker; 
  • Transplants were resistant for the changes in environmental conditions, when transferred from growth chamber to greenhouse.

Mr. Nikolajus recommends HORTILED lighting for other growers. 


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