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Dr. Antra Balode about HORTILED for lilies

 Dr. Antra Balode performed research on Hortiled LED light effects on lily development and flowering time in the Latvia University of Agriculture.

Two cultivars from different groups, Asiatic lily ‘London Heart’ and Lilium longiflorum × Oriental hybrid ‘Triumphator’ were tested. HORTILED lights were used to extend the photoperiod of natural lighting in greenhouse: they were switched on for four hours in the morning and four in the evening to create a long day photoperiod (>14 hours).

Dr. Antra tells, that results were very good, because LEDs promoted plant development and flowering. Flowering time under LEDs was 5-6 days earlier.

Dr. Antra Balode recommends HORTILED lighting, because it is beneficial for photoperiodic lighting of ornamental plants. 


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